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The Miami Herald Takes a Deep Dive With OceanBased Perpetual Energy’s Quest in Florida Gulf Stream

OceanBased Perpetual Energy in The Miami Herald July 2, 2020

The Miami Herald‘s Sarah Loftus takes a deep dive with Miami-based OceanBased Perpetual Energy today, July 2, 2020 . . . .

“Leaders of OceanBased Perpetual Energy and researchers from the Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center, or SNMREC, traveled 20 miles off the coast of Florida in late May with three turbine prototypes onboard. They suspended one prototype underwater to generate power for an unprecedented 24 hours in the Gulf Stream.

‘When it came to 24 hours and 1 minute, I couldn’t help it, I said ‘We’ve done it!’’ said Nasser M N Alshemaimry, founder and CEO of OceanBased, which funded the demonstration. ‘We have found the holy grail of perpetual energy.'”

To read the story, click here:

The reporter, Sarah Loftus is a Mass Media Fellow with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, sponsored by the Heising-Simons Foundation.