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Our Approach

GS 27°N Marine Hydrokinetic Project

With careful attention to all necessary requirements, OceanBased is planning to install significant Ocean Current Energy infrastructure over the next decade and beyond.  To accomplish this, OceanBased will deploy our Ocean Current Energy Converters using a specially-equipped marine vessel carrying several units at a time.  Methodically and with regard for environmental concerns, the converters will be anchored with a custom base plate approximately 1,100 feet below sea level.

Ocean Current Energy Converter Design

From their deep sea anchor base designed with the environment in mind, each OceanBased Ocean Current Energy Converter will be tethered to the ocean floor, and suspended at approximately 300 feet below sea level where our equipment will be away from weather and sea traffic lanes.  Each system will include two Ocean Current Energy Converters and a buoyancy module for torque load offset and optimal operational attitude in the marine environment.

Specialized control systems will allow our Ocean Current Energy Converters to be strategically placed in the path of the Gulf Stream, and at a specific depths according to current flow speeds for optimal energy conversion.   Rotational forces created by the powerful Gulf Stream current flow turn a generator that produces electricity.

Our equipment is designed to withstand the constant pressure of the ocean depths and the Gulf Stream.

Subsea Substations

Seabed-based power substations would receive incoming electricity from our Ocean Current Energy Converters, which would be connected by a seabed cable running 15 miles back to the onshore substation. On land, OceanBased clean energy would subsequently be connected to the national electricity grid or directly to end users needing clean, reliable and 24/7 sustainable energy.

Turnkey from OceanBased to Grid

OceanBased has organized a team of professionals with  experience in various aspects of creating and implementing a renewable power delivery system, including:

  • Permit processes
  • Feasibility studies
  • Engineering and design
  • Scaled-up infrastructure production
  • Installation