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As the U.S. Marine Corps celebrated its 245th Anniversary this month (November 10), it’s interesting to note that ocean current energy is part of its long-term installations energy strategy
As the U.S. Marine Corps celebrated its 245th Anniversary this month (November 10, 2020), it’s interesting to note that ocean current energy has been part of its long-term installations energy strategy to “unleash us from the tether of fuel,” according to then-Lieutenant General James Mattis. The Marine Corps installations plan (read it here) entails utilizing...
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National Renewable Energy Laboratory Report Underscores OceanBased Perpetual Energy's Grid Stability Capabilities
Across the world, renewable power is displacing traditional generation, but can renewables also replace the critical stability functions that go with it?  National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) reported yesterday, September 13, 2020, that studies are confirming in the field and on live power systems that solar, wind, and hybrid power plants can provide their own...
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